proud big brother

I became a big brother today at 5:32 this morning I have a little sister called Megan.She was 6lb13oz she was born in larbert hospital.I am really proud but I was meant to go to Edinburgh zoo today but I am going tomorow.

R.A.K report



JAMIE              Random Acts of kindness Report                 25.2.13


Recently in class we have been trying out some kindness ideas. The aim is to make the world a better place by spreading kindness


We made business cards and ambassador statements. The business cards had our twitter account and our portfolio details.  I was the ambassador of friendliness. That means that I don’t like it when people are calling each other names.  Then we wrote a letter for the primary 1’s saying that we wear going to be there reading buddy and we were going to make a book and read it to them. After that we interviewed them about our book and we asked questions like has anybody done anything nice for you? My reading buddies wear Cody and Layla.

Smile at not bulling one and other.

Talk to teachers if you get bullied.

Open your mind about bullying.

Pick the right path about bullying.

Bullying can be stopped if we try.

Us together can stop bullying forever and ever.

Live and be free from bullying.

Luckily we can stop bullying.

You may tell a teacher about a bully but he might not stop.

It is interesting that we can’t stop bullying.

Nuggys can be stopped if we tell.

Guess what we can do about bulling it can stop.



I am getting better at illustrating my handwriting so I was going to show you a picture but I saw that I didn’t take one so sorry. So instead I will tell you about it on one page we done Halloween and I done cats eyes,a witch and a fire on a hill.On a other one I done a couple pumpkins,ghosts and a werewolf.